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Monday, January 25, 2010

Make Profit Online - The Best Kept Secret

The biggest problem that most people find when starting an online business is that they don't know how an Internet business works. Nobody would invest tens of thousands of dollars on any traditional business without having any knowledge, right? But, why do people think the Internet could be different? Simple, because the Internet business is usually much cheaper than traditional ones, so many people just start an online business same way they play lottery. But, you know what? They have a very little chance of winning the lottery, but NO ONE to make profit online.
There are NO SECRETS in the Internet, so all these "false gurus" have their days counted. No future for them.  But, certainly there is some work to do here. There are not shortcuts, not fast get rich schemes and not luck involved at all, but if you do what needed, Internet business could be a very profitable opportunity for anyone.  By following these 4 simple steps your chances to succeed and make profit online are ENORMOUS, and you are not going to believe how good you lifestyle could be!
  1. DREAM, this is a magical word. You need to have one, your own dream. A dream is something that really touch your heart, and you are willing to do anything for. Believe me, if I tell you that it is the most important step here.
  2. LEARNING, yes, same than any other business, you need to know how a Internet business works. You do not need to attend a college, but you should join to an Internet Learning Program. BE CAREFUL, please don't buy any of those lose e-books; choose a complete and tested program. There are several good ones, just choose what better adjust to your needs. Selecting a good internet learning program will be the key for you to start with the right foot, and don't spend time.
  3. TAKE ACTION, there are some people that have everything to succeed, but they suffer "paralysis analysis". They keep studying and learning all the time, but they don't take action ever. They are afraid to fail. THE ONLY WAY TO SUCCEED IS FAILING.
  4. DON'T GIVE UP, if you comply with those previous three points, it is not possible to fail, at least you give up. It could take less or more time to achieve your goals, and make profit online, but you have to keep the work up until you get it.
I could give you many tips, but this is not my goal here. I just wanted to say loud and clear that "the best kept secrets to make money online DO NOT EXIST". This is a myth to sell you a lot of e-books or reviews, most of them without any real value. Anyone can Make Profit Online, you don't need to be a guru, just learning and working, as most of traditional business.  This is Michael M. Wiseman, traditional entrepreneur, marketer and internet business specialist. If you are interested to know more about internet business, and how to make profit online from A to Z, I recommend you to visit my blog to find the best learning program I have found in the market.   Internet Business is a new world for most of people, anyone that really want to build a successful business, MUST LEARN how this new world works. It is not only a very lucrative opportunity, but it is a GREAT LIFESTYLE too.   Let's start a fantastic business life on underwear!

Small & Medium Businesses Can Appear Bigger Online

Internet Marketing should not be treated as something for big companies. On the contrary, I am about the make a statement that might look strange at first: Internet Marketing should be used more by Small & Medium businesses compared to the big guys.  Now, obviously budget is a factor and a Fortune 500 company that enjoys revenues of Millions (not to say Billions) has much more means compared to a small business with a yearly turnover of hundreds of thousands. But those big guys are shooting in all directions and although the trends over the last years shows that marketing budgets are shifting from traditional means to online activity, Internet Marketing for them is yet another ingredient in their overall Marketing mix.
Compared to that, an SMB must be involved in Marketing and when considering where to put the very limited (hence critical) Marketing Dollars or Euros, using the Internet is the best possible option. There is no intention to preach to such companies to disregard any other Marketing channels, a mix is necessary, but the size of the Internet Marketing budget in percentages of the total Marketing budget should be bigger.
The Internet is a great "enabler" to appear big(ger). Think about it for a second: a smaller company can reach the first page of Google for a certain product or service, can have a web site that presents a big company and take actions just like the big guys while still enjoying the benefits of being small. This is the nature of this medium. The nice thing about it, is that it can have the Pygmalion Effect: a small company looks like a big one online, does great, increases revenues while maintaining low costs and with that... becomes big.
In addition, let's not forget the obvious: Online Marketing (be it Search Engine Optimization, Paid Search Marketing, Email Marketing and the other online marketing tools and techniques) is the best marketing tool with respect to Return on Investment (ROI). This means that those Euros or Dollars that are so much more important to the SMB could be used more effectively than to the other channels. Add to that the fact that everything is measurable in the realm of Internet Marketing, everything is flexible and changes can be introduced whenever required and as often as needed, and you can understand the article's opening statement.

WSI E-Services is an Internet Marketing agency based in Antwerp, Belgium - part of the global network of WSI, specializing in Internet Marketing for SMB's. We provide Internet Marketing and Search Engine Marketing services that start from the business needs, its goals and its marketing strategy and aim at showing return-on-investment.