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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Internet ATM Cash Machine! How to Make Over $20,000 Per Month on Internet Marketing on Autopilot

By Alfred Sant

Starting an internet marketing career is not an easy task but this is not usually because of the work; people fail and easily give up because they are not earning money on their first few weeks which is a common error among first timers.

Popular question that I get from subscribers is "how much money do I make online?" and my answer is "I earn $20k or more every month", sounds impressive? But in reality a newbie can also earn the same amount if they only know the proper way in doing it.

As a beginner you should be patient. Since you are just starting with your business expect that your earnings will be little, but the important thing is that you are generating money in continuously regardless of the amount. Do not rush your journey to success because this may result in your failure. Take easy and money will flow naturally as you get the hang of it.

Once you are making some money consistently the next step that should concern you is how to make your online business grow. If you are already earning enough money online you should try investing some of it like selling web sites which is very profitable.

Imagine a simple, one page affiliate website can be sold for $5k or more and in a month you can do this 3 to 5 times that is $15K to $25K monthly, aside from what you earn from the website itself before selling it, that's more than what you can earn having a high paying job. This is just a part of my online business.
My online business works by creating small affiliate sites, profit from them and then selling them while I create new ones; this is on a monthly basis. I make sure that I maintain a number of websites which can be seen on my portfolio. You can also use this approach as your online business model, since it is very profitable, but remember to re-invest your profits to make it grow.

The next step to take is to outsource. Find people online that are willing to do the job for you. The more workers that you have the more products you can produce. But this is a process that you will need to learn slowly. You should be picky in choosing providers that can give quality results. Learn how to outsource and innovate as it can help your online business grow.

Although I am already earning over $20k monthly, I decide to still keep working hard because I have bigger goals and a bit ambitious too. I keep on working and think of other ways on how to earn 20x more of my current income and to further develop my online business.

There are other success stories that you might read online and one can be yours too just remember the key to online success is your willingness to learn and by being persistent in your endeavor. Make sure to start as an affiliate Marketer since creating affiliate sites is very simple and require no investments and not internet marketing experience at all.

A lot of MONEY can be made on the internet; it's not hard once you know how things work. Obviously, you'll need a sound PROGRAM to follow. If you are serious about changing your life on the internet, go to my website: Recession Proof Internet Income.

Most Internet programs are garbage or scams, and unless you have the time and money to test them all out, you'll basically go round in circles, and 'LOSE MONEY'. Before you make a costly mistake, come and check my Site: Make Money on the Web.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Successful Internet Marketing - Driving Targeted Traffic

For Affiliate marketers new to the business, they are overwhelmed by the amount of information and the belief that they should be making a massive income almost immediately. How does an affiliate marketer new to the market start out and what is it they need to get themselves up and running? It is very rare to find any business that will supply instant cash with no work and affiliate marketing is no different. When you start you need to have a plan which takes you from where you are today and at least see you through the first 90 days. This article is not written to help you build your first 90 days plan but will offer you clear advice on how you deliver targeted traffic to your business, the lifeblood necessary to build a successful Affiliate Marketing Business.
Targeted Traffic  To succeed you will need to drive traffic to your website in high volumes. More importantly the traffic visiting your site will need to be specifically interested in what you are selling and as importantly be in the market to buy from you. You need to find this traffic and then drive it to your website. Without traffic no matter what else you have in place you will not earn a living. How do you drive traffic? There are multiple ways to drive traffic, however in this article I will concentrate on the two that I believe are very important, ezines and forums.
You may be asking what are ezines. Simply put they are on-line magazines. Type "ezine directory" into Google search and then select the ezines most relevant to your market.  Once you have selected your ezines to publish to then write your article. If you cannot think what to write then go to one of the ezines and look at already published articles, review a few of them and you will get an idea on content, style and the length of the articles. If you really cannot write the article then you can find companies on the Internet who will write your articles for you but at a price. Once you have written your first few articles you will find it is quite easy to put an article together. An article once published does not go away. It may remain on the Internet for many years and other ezines may pick up your article and publish it as well. By writing good, relevant articles that your target audience will be interested in, you will make them curious and they will want to discover more about you, the author. This is where the author's signature box comes into play. Within the sig box at the end of every article you publish, you must add the link to the specific website you are promoting. If you are selling a healthy living product don't send them to a website selling internet marketing books and videos. Seems simple but once you are managing multiple products on multiple websites you will need to ensure that you are always promoting the correct link for the product you are selling. Search engines like articles as it is a search engines role to scour the Internet for information and articles are a great source of information. When somebody reads your article and clicks on the link this is also a sign to a search engine that your website must be of interest as well and so your ranking in the search engine will increase. The more articles, the more viewers, the more links to your website, you can see the relationship.
Forums are another great opportunity to drive traffic. If, for example, you are a car enthusiast you may already be a member of a forum full of car enthusiasts. If you are promoting a product for car enthusiasts then you already have your targeted traffic in place. Do not sell within your posts in the forum, again use your profile information to promote your link. If you blatantly sell into the forum you will find yourself leaving the forum before you expected! There are forums out there covering every subject ever invented. You do not need to be an expert, but you do need to become a trusted member of any forum you join. Post to the forum, look for questions from other members of the forum, research their questions (just use a search engine to find the information you need) and then post quality answers. You will soon be seen as a positive member of the community and people will begin to trust you. Once they trust you then they will be more inclined to buy from you and not once but multiple times.  I have only gone into two traffic driving solutions, there are many more including on-line advertising, traffic exchanges, joint ventures, social websites and off-line advertising. As a newcomer to the market then take the time to learn about traffic generation, start with the free options and then as your business grows you can add in funded advertising such as pay per click. The only way to learn is to try it out, so overcome your fears and get your articles published and join in the forums.
Brian E McClelland  http://www.whoisbrianemcclelland.biz  The author has over 20 years experience in the IT industry. He now works from home running a number of Internet businesses and coaching and mentoring people who are interested in setting up a business in Internet Marketing. To receive the 4 Step Internet Marketing Training system for free please visit http://www.scottemcclelland.info

Online Marketing Opportunities - Tips When Choosing Which Online Opportunity is Right For You
Online marketing is the the easiest most profitable way to build a your own home based business today. There are endless opportunities in this industry and it is growing everyday. One could market just about anything online today and make a substantial income, with the proper know how. However, this is not a plug and play industry where you sign up, walk away and overnight there is money flowing into your bank account. Now, from a business point of view, there is no other industry this easy or cheap to get involved with and find success in such a short time. So, if your thinking about getting into online marketing, this article will give you some advice and some things to consider before jumping into the first opportunity that comes your way.
First, you must decide whether this is really for you. Now if you already have a business background and already understand some of the things that go along with owning your own business, your a step ahead of the game. What I mean is, to own your own business and see it through to success takes a certain mindset. Even though there are many advantages to an online business, it is still a business, and you must put the time and effort into it in order for it to succeed. The great thing about an online marketing business is that the more time you spend setting it up properly, the more the business works for you and the less you have to work for it. So if you think you have the initiative to see it through you will succeed and reap the benefits for many years to come.
Second, you must learn how to market. Now there are lots of marketing strategies and different people find success with different strategies, it all depends on you. There are several marketing platforms on the Internet that you can become involved in. However, a lot of these platforms only provide training in one strategy which means you will have to join several to find out which ones work for you, and there will be a monthly fee with all of them. Not to mention, you will have to use more than just one strategy to keep traffic coming to your business. Traffic is the ultimate goal of every business. Therefore, you should find a marketing platform that provides training in several if not all marketing strategies.  Third, is how much support and guidance you receive. This ties into which marketing platform you decide to use also. You will not receive support and guidance from your friends and family, but you will definitely need some. It is great to get a good marketing platform with training in several areas but without a little support and guidance you will soon find yourself lost in the dark. You need the guidance to advise you on where exactly to start, what to work on next and most important what not to do. With the support, face it, everybody needs some support just for piece of mind if no other reason. Just having somebody there to tell you good job, or let you know your on the right track. So, make sure that the marketing platform you choose has training in multiple marketing strategies and also provides you with support and guidance.

Last, What product or service will you be selling? You may already have a product in mind, which is fine, but if not, you will be needing one. Whichever marketing platform you choose may also have a product for you to market or at least support a particular product. If not, you have to find one. When looking for a product the most important thing to think about is the quality, will people be satisfied with it. Then, take into consideration how many other products are out there that are similar to it, you do not want something that everyone is offering. Plus, how much money will you make of each sale, you do not want a product that you have to sell thousands of just to make a buck. Unless your selling them wholesale, like thousands at a time, this will just frustrate you.  In conclusion, I hope your not discouraged, just enlightened. So many people try to get into this industry not realising some of the most important factors to consider. They end up losing money, losing faith and in turn giving the industry a bad name. This is truly the best industry out there, it has taken so many regular people and allowed them to create the life of their dreams. I truly hope this article has inspired you and gave you some guidance on how to get started and take action in the marketing industry. Just remember, make sure this is for you, seek out the best marketing platform you can find, commit to it and you will create the life of your dreams.  Mike Lee Manuel is a former welder/mechanic who one day decided he was going to create the life of his dreams. With no previous computer, business or marketing experience, he decided online marketing was the answer he was searching for. With the training and support from his sponsor and Carbon Copy Pro (CCP), the greatest marketing platform there is, Mike now runs a successful marketing business from his home. Mike is now dedicated to helping others create the life of their dreams. Through CCP, with Mike as your sponsor, you will get all the tools you need to become a success in the marketing industry. If your interested in building a business that works for you for years to come and creating that life you dream about go to http://moreoflifetoday.com.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Only Advantage That You'll Ever Need to Succeed at Internet Marketing

If you hang around enough internet marketing forums for long enough you will see much of the same questions being asked with varying answers but you have to ask yourself this, "Are these forums the best places to get the right answers to your questions"? - Especially when it comes to getting advice about internet marketing and making money online.   So what is the most popular type of question that gets asked? Well, it goes something like, "What do I need to make money online". There are many variations to that question but it boils down to the same thing, "What do I need to succeed at online marketing or making money online"
There are 101 different answers to this question and you will find all of them on any internet marketing forum but how accurate are these answers? How do you know that your question isn't being answered by someone with just as much, or less, experience than you?  You need to cut through the noise and find the true defining answer to this question and that answer is:
The only thing you need to give you the biggest and most powerful advantage over your competition is a Starving Crowd.  What do I mean by this? Well, regardless of your business whether it is online or offline, regardless of your market or the product that you offer, you will always have competition. But don't worry, competition is good and should drive you to constantly develop and improve your products and services. But if you have a starving crowd then you will succeed in your business and beat your competition every single time.

So what is a Starving Crowd?  This is your audience, these are the people who walk past your hot dog stand, these are the people who search for your product online, these are the people who are desperate for what you are selling. Take the hot dog stall for example.  There are two hot dog sellers, the first seller has the best tasting hot dogs, made with the freshest ingredients and priced lower than the other hot dog seller. The second hot dog seller sells hot dogs that are not as good as the first sellers hot dogs, they also cost more yet don't taste as nice or fresh.  So, which hot dog seller do you think will make more money or sell more hot dogs?
You're obvious choice would the first seller, right? Well, actually no, because we missed out a vital part of the scenario. You see, the first hot dog stall is located on the street in a busy city where most of the people passing by are either not interested in a hot dog or have a lot of choice when it comes to places where they can buy hot food from.  But the second stall is located at a busy sporting event and is the only hot food stand where the people at the event can buy food from. This seller has a starving crowd (literally). If anyone at that sporting event wants to buy hot food then they have no other choice but to buy a hot dog from the seller.
Now this doesn't mean that you can sell low quality goods or provide people with a low quality service as your success will be short lived. But what it does demonstrate is that by having access to the right audience, crowd, potential customers, then you will succeed online and not have to worry about the competition.
When it comes to online marketing it is all about the people who will be buying your products/services. As a quick example, Mary who is an avid scrap booking fan does not sit up at 1 O'Clock in the morning agonizing over where to put that picture of the Empire State Building that she took on her last vacation.

But John, who is being threatened with foreclosure, is desperately looking for a solution to his agonizing and serious problem.  Now which of these people are more likely to buy a related product from you? Do you see the difference here and the important point?  Having a starving crowd who is desperate to buy the solution to their problem is much easier to sell to.  Being ranked on Googles first page can make the difference between your website making zero sales and making many sales every day because websites that are listed on Googles first page does drive a horde of visitors to your site. And getting listed on Googles first page is actually possible to do in less than 60 minutes. You can see how to do this at http://googledin60minutes.com

Webmasters and Internet Marketers Can Learn From the Art of War

The Art of War is unquestionably a well known, highly lifestyle, and overwhelmingly revealing text on military affairs. Yep... military affairs. So I imagine you are thinking what the heck I'm doing sharing anything designed to support generals and warriors wage warfare while combating their enemies. Reality inside matter is, as a webmaster or internet marketer - we too are generally linked to being a commander in a war fought on multiple fronts. The war in opposition to our competition generally stretches through several borders into the depths of the online world and can often be relentless. From Google rankings, to marketplace popularity, to product superiority/differentiation we're frequently and often unknowingly at war.  Getting straight into it, the root wonder is how can this book be applied to our online endevaours? I'm planning to pick it apart, and try to turn its military message into something we could depend on and comfortably employ. Here we go..
1. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.
This is now one amongst my individual loved quotations from the book, and has been something I've frequently enforced into various online projects. This also strengthens the concept of urgency I do think most people neglect to utilize when trying to earn money. Without drifting off point, There's no doubt that the worst mistake you can make isn't applying urgency to your work. My interpretation is that essentially when introducing a project, it is often better to keep the launch a secret, instead of creating a sensation of anxiety. Why? Because your competitors can feed off this foresight, and thus engage in a advertising effort in order to move the awareness off your task come launch time. I've had success with virtually appearing out of no where, and executing a thorough and hefty marketing campaign. By the time my rivals have been able to react, I'd have already launched myself in the industry which hence make their efforts are easier to offset.
2. Now the general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple ere the battle is fought. The general who loses a battle makes but few calculations beforehand.  This is a very simple quote, however I want to create an emphasis on conducting market research before you launch a product. It's definitely crucial to understand what specifically your competitors are doing, and identifying trends in their business model. These details will therefore help you anticipate how they will respond. Sometimes utilizing the Way Back Machine can prove enormously useful. I do believe it's also necessary to note that doing anything in making cash online constitutes operating a business, at least on some level. It should hence be handled like a physical organization would, with a thorough level of investigation and planning being used.
3. Now in order to kill the enemy, our men must be roused to anger; that there may be advantage from defeating the enemy, they must have their rewards.  The literal interpretation is a bit savage, still if you apply this to what we're doing, it actually makes lots of sense. Once again, it is something that I've applied in the past - specially when running a web hosting business a short time back back. Fundamentally 'killing the enemy' represents a universal ambition(e.g. attaining a clear market share, or generating a specific profit) that your entire team should be working towards. Your team should thus be inspired to achieve this ambition through some sort of reward; whether it be monetary or personal or whatever. For the record, I'm looking at a reward as well as normal wage. Correctly motivating staff, or even contractors, is something no webmaster or internet marketer should ever overlook.
4. You can be sure of succeeding in your attacks if you only attack places which are undefended.
This i think is often a critical fault loads of webmasters and internet marketers seem to uninterruptedly make. That is of course - targeting exceptionally saturated markets without implementing any real style of niche, which as a result leaves them exposed to a flood of contenders - mainly of which are typically pre-loaded with monsterous market share and budgets. As such, the assistance of the thoughtful Sun Tzu is consequently with merit. Targeting undefended arrangements, or niches, is an easier way to efficiently ensure achievement and so provides the advantage of usurping a much lesser number of rivals. The world wide web is so easily accessible to everyone and practically anybody these days. Because of this a great chunk of internet sites catering to a flooded sector often fizzle out on the grounds that no one pays consideration to them. Nobody can be aware of them. As cliche as it sounds, imagine you are after some ringtones, and you were hypothically standing infront of a bunch around 20, thousand people, with each individual screaming at you to go to their internet site. You'll most likely only comprehend what the people at the front are saying and in all probability impart them with a shot out of sheer convienience. Who knows what treasures are perched at the back of that mass - but are you reasonably going to sort through 20, 000 internet sites to get a good ringtones site? Certainly not.
In closing, I think this book is absolutely fantastic and is highly recommended for anybody after something which can be applied to so many aspects of their lives. Running a website is simply something in which you need to sieze control of, and therefore act aggressively to stand out in such a competitive online world.
This article was written by Justin Khoury from Insane Profits. The ultimate resource for information how to make money working online.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Popular Ideas on How You Can Make Money Fast on the Internet 

How can you make money fast on the Internet right now?  There are a couple of different options that you can choose from to make money fast. Depending if you are a good writer or not you can write for a number of different sites or networks which will pay you almost immediately upon delivery of your work. This is a top idea mainly because it costs you nothing to start. Elance.com and ifreelance.com to name a few.  Sell things for amazon or eBay is another great idea that you could easily start seeing money in your account in a couple of days. Electronics, antiques, jewelry and children's clothing are always in high demand. Selling things on eBay is also a great way to get that clutter free garage you always wanted too.  If your a teacher looking for quick money ideas. You could try tutor.com and help others outside the classroom your results are instant and gratifying. Falling under this topic as well is consulting online. Consulting for law or accounting is a great way for you to earn extra income.

New for 2010 is GDI who is starting to pop up all over the internet and rising fast. You can get a free trial and learn how to become an affiliate marketer online. This is still one of the fastest growing businesses in the world due to the failing economy. The fact that they own their own domain extension.ws should be proof enough that they are leading the pack. Also that the ever popular.com is soon running out.
Click the link for information on how you can Make free money

The Top 2 Ways How to Make Money Online 

There are so many ways to make money on the Internet that it'll make your head spin. If you're looking for the best ways, I've been there. So many programs out there and there are only more and more coming. Let's face it, the Internet isn't going anywhere. That's a good thing.  So here are the top 2 ways how to make money online. I say the top ways because I've tried these ways and have made a buck with them so I'm not just giving theory here. These are my top 2. Here we go...
How To Make Money Online #1: Affiliate Marketing
All affiliate programs aren't created equal. To really make it happen with this, you'll need to do your homework. Some programs that I recommend are ClickBank, the eBay Partner Network, Commission Junction and Datafeedr.  The key with this way to make money online is you really want to find good niches and you have to do your keyword research. And of course, you have to know how to market on the Internet. The people who make the most money with affiliate marketing are usually great marketers.  To succeed in affiliate marketing takes an advanced skillset. However, it is well worth the effort. Some great ways to promote your affiliate offers include pay-per click; and email marketing where you can promote offers to your list.  Did you know you can make money just for getting someone to fill out a form to become a lead? Or submit an email address? Go check out The Hydra Network for more on CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) offers. This is a great way to get started.
How To Make Money Online #2: Information Products
You can really do well with information products. There are people who have become multi-millionaires just by selling information products online. I did this with one of my passions - basketball. I came out with a line of info products in this niche and found it to be the easiest money I have ever made. I was passionate about it and I have been playing for decades.  Those are usually a couple of recipes for a good info product. However, you don't always have to do it that way. You'll probably make out better by going after a starving crowd and creating a product to meet the unmet needs of the marketplace.  You can outsource an ebook, audio, or video creation for an info product for your niche and there you go. Now all you have to do is market the heck out of it. The promise land is when you can get affiliates to promote your product for you on a place like ClickBank. Now you have an army promoting your product for you.  Here's my how to make money online honorable mention: Membership Sites. Lonnie Bradley is the founder of The Official Lonnie Bradley Blog where you can find the latest work from home, and internet marketing tips, techniques and secrets. Lonnie Bradley shares cutting edge information for the home based business entrepreneur on how to explode a home business. Get instant access to Lonnie's work from home success newsletter at:

Monday, January 25, 2010

Make Profit Online - The Best Kept Secret

The biggest problem that most people find when starting an online business is that they don't know how an Internet business works. Nobody would invest tens of thousands of dollars on any traditional business without having any knowledge, right? But, why do people think the Internet could be different? Simple, because the Internet business is usually much cheaper than traditional ones, so many people just start an online business same way they play lottery. But, you know what? They have a very little chance of winning the lottery, but NO ONE to make profit online.
There are NO SECRETS in the Internet, so all these "false gurus" have their days counted. No future for them.  But, certainly there is some work to do here. There are not shortcuts, not fast get rich schemes and not luck involved at all, but if you do what needed, Internet business could be a very profitable opportunity for anyone.  By following these 4 simple steps your chances to succeed and make profit online are ENORMOUS, and you are not going to believe how good you lifestyle could be!
  1. DREAM, this is a magical word. You need to have one, your own dream. A dream is something that really touch your heart, and you are willing to do anything for. Believe me, if I tell you that it is the most important step here.
  2. LEARNING, yes, same than any other business, you need to know how a Internet business works. You do not need to attend a college, but you should join to an Internet Learning Program. BE CAREFUL, please don't buy any of those lose e-books; choose a complete and tested program. There are several good ones, just choose what better adjust to your needs. Selecting a good internet learning program will be the key for you to start with the right foot, and don't spend time.
  3. TAKE ACTION, there are some people that have everything to succeed, but they suffer "paralysis analysis". They keep studying and learning all the time, but they don't take action ever. They are afraid to fail. THE ONLY WAY TO SUCCEED IS FAILING.
  4. DON'T GIVE UP, if you comply with those previous three points, it is not possible to fail, at least you give up. It could take less or more time to achieve your goals, and make profit online, but you have to keep the work up until you get it.
I could give you many tips, but this is not my goal here. I just wanted to say loud and clear that "the best kept secrets to make money online DO NOT EXIST". This is a myth to sell you a lot of e-books or reviews, most of them without any real value. Anyone can Make Profit Online, you don't need to be a guru, just learning and working, as most of traditional business.  This is Michael M. Wiseman, traditional entrepreneur, marketer and internet business specialist. If you are interested to know more about internet business, and how to make profit online from A to Z, I recommend you to visit my blog to find the best learning program I have found in the market.   Internet Business is a new world for most of people, anyone that really want to build a successful business, MUST LEARN how this new world works. It is not only a very lucrative opportunity, but it is a GREAT LIFESTYLE too.   Let's start a fantastic business life on underwear!

Small & Medium Businesses Can Appear Bigger Online

Internet Marketing should not be treated as something for big companies. On the contrary, I am about the make a statement that might look strange at first: Internet Marketing should be used more by Small & Medium businesses compared to the big guys.  Now, obviously budget is a factor and a Fortune 500 company that enjoys revenues of Millions (not to say Billions) has much more means compared to a small business with a yearly turnover of hundreds of thousands. But those big guys are shooting in all directions and although the trends over the last years shows that marketing budgets are shifting from traditional means to online activity, Internet Marketing for them is yet another ingredient in their overall Marketing mix.
Compared to that, an SMB must be involved in Marketing and when considering where to put the very limited (hence critical) Marketing Dollars or Euros, using the Internet is the best possible option. There is no intention to preach to such companies to disregard any other Marketing channels, a mix is necessary, but the size of the Internet Marketing budget in percentages of the total Marketing budget should be bigger.
The Internet is a great "enabler" to appear big(ger). Think about it for a second: a smaller company can reach the first page of Google for a certain product or service, can have a web site that presents a big company and take actions just like the big guys while still enjoying the benefits of being small. This is the nature of this medium. The nice thing about it, is that it can have the Pygmalion Effect: a small company looks like a big one online, does great, increases revenues while maintaining low costs and with that... becomes big.
In addition, let's not forget the obvious: Online Marketing (be it Search Engine Optimization, Paid Search Marketing, Email Marketing and the other online marketing tools and techniques) is the best marketing tool with respect to Return on Investment (ROI). This means that those Euros or Dollars that are so much more important to the SMB could be used more effectively than to the other channels. Add to that the fact that everything is measurable in the realm of Internet Marketing, everything is flexible and changes can be introduced whenever required and as often as needed, and you can understand the article's opening statement.

WSI E-Services is an Internet Marketing agency based in Antwerp, Belgium - part of the global network of WSI, specializing in Internet Marketing for SMB's. We provide Internet Marketing and Search Engine Marketing services that start from the business needs, its goals and its marketing strategy and aim at showing return-on-investment.